Work schedule
Português English Español BUSINESS HOURS: FROM 09h TO 21h MONDAY TO FRIDAY Marcelo Paschoal Pizzut, psychologist and educator, offers online services tailored to meet the demands of a modern, hectic life. SCHEDULE PSYCHOLOGIST MARCELO
R$ 50,00 a sessão de 50 minutos. Psicólogo Marcelo Paschoal Pizzut – CRP 07-26008
Português English Español BUSINESS HOURS: FROM 09h TO 21h MONDAY TO FRIDAY Marcelo Paschoal Pizzut, psychologist and educator, offers online services tailored to meet the demands of a modern, hectic life. SCHEDULE PSYCHOLOGIST MARCELO
Fonte: 5 simple ways to practice mindfulness in daily life — Calm Blog
Navegação Multilíngue com Vídeo 🇧🇷 Português 🇺🇸 English 🇪🇸 Español ⚕️ Soy Marcelo Paschoal Pizzut, psicólogo con reconocimiento profesional, dedicado a promover la salud mental de manera integral. Me especializo en ayudar a personas con Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe (TPL) y otras condiciones psicológicas. 🌱 Promoviendo la Salud Mental: Mi
Navegação Multilíngue com Vídeo 🇧🇷 Português 🇺🇸 English 🇪🇸 Español ⚕️ I am Marcelo Paschoal Pizzut, a professionally recognized psychologist, dedicated to promoting mental health in a comprehensive way. I specialize in assisting people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and other psychological conditions. 🌱 Promoting Mental Health: My Professional Journey
Português English Español Parte 1: Entendiendo los Trastornos Alimentarios Los trastornos alimentarios son condiciones médicas serias caracterizadas por cambios significativos en el comportamiento alimenticio y una obsesión con el peso y la forma del cuerpo. Estos trastornos van más allá de la simple alimentación; también afectan
Part 1: Understanding Eating Disorders Eating disorders are serious medical conditions characterized by significant changes in eating behavior and an obsession with body weight and shape. These disorders are about more than just food; they also concern how a person sees and feels about their body. Eating disorders can severely
Português English Español Parte 1: Compreendendo os Transtornos Alimentares Os transtornos alimentares são condições médicas graves, caracterizadas por alterações significativas no comportamento alimentar e uma obsessão com o peso e a forma do corpo. Esses distúrbios não se tratam apenas de comida, mas também de como
Servicios Psicológicos Multilingües Português | English | Español Atención Psicológica Internacional: Compromiso Ético y Profesional En mi práctica, me esfuerzo por ofrecer servicios de psicología de alta calidad, respetando los estándares éticos y técnicos establecidos por el Consejo Regional de Psicología de Rio Grande do Sul (CRPRS). Según el CRPRS,
Serviços Psicológicos Multilíngues Português | English | Español Global Access to Psychological Services: Commitment to Ethical Excellence In an increasingly connected world, it is essential to provide accessible and high-quality psychological services to everyone, regardless of their location. In this spirit, I have set the cost for sessions for clients