Welcome to our WhatsApp group designed to support individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

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WhatsApp Support Group – Borderline Personality Disorder

Welcome to our WhatsApp group designed to support individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder

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📜 Group Guidelines:

  1. 1. Respect Above All: Communicate cordially and avoid offensive words and debates.
  2. 2. Stay on Topic: Contributions should be relevant to the topic being discussed.
  3. 3. Be Clear: Direct and objective messages facilitate understanding.
  4. 4. Message Moderation: Avoid repetitions or excesses.
  5. 5. Private Conversations: For personal matters, use private messages.
  6. 6. Friendly Disagreements: Seek constructive resolutions.
  7. 7. Protect Information: Do not share sensitive data without consent.
  8. 8. Maintain Discretion: Respect others’ privacy.
  9. 9. No Advertising: The dissemination of commercial material or unsolicited links is strictly prohibited. Additionally, promoting personal channels, including platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, among others, is not allowed. However, sharing channels dedicated exclusively to scientific content is permitted.
  10. 10. Religious Neutrality: The focus here is not on religious debate. We prioritize science-based approaches, and religious posts are not allowed.
  11. 11. Appropriate Content: Sexual, violent, or inappropriate materials are not allowed.
  12. 12. Posts: In this group, posting videos is allowed as long as they are strictly related to BPD. It is not acceptable to post videos on other topics, such as your favorite band or music, or videos unrelated to BPD.
  13. 13. Share Consciously: Consult the group before sending large files.
  14. 14. Search First: Avoid repeating questions already asked.
  15. 15. Sensitive Topics Prohibited: VERY IMPORTANT: Discussions about self-harm or suicide are prohibited. You may seek support by saying things like “I have suicidal thoughts and need help.” However, it is important not to share methods or suicide plans, nor phrases that encourage these actions. This group is a space for support for life, not death. Violating this rule will result in automatic group removal.
  16. 16. Celebrate Diversity: Value and respect diverse opinions and experiences.
  17. 17. No Flooding: Do not send consecutive messages quickly.
  18. 18. Give Credit: If using external information, cite the source.
  19. 19. Medical Advice: Avoid giving it. Encourage consulting specialists.
  20. 20. Inclusive Environment: Prejudices are prohibited. We prioritize inclusion.
  21. 21. No Financial Requests: Financial transactions and material help requests are not allowed. Disrespect results in blocking.
  22. 22. No Drug Promotion: Promoting drug use, including marijuana, or substances not yet scientifically proven for BPD treatment, such as psilocybin, is prohibited.
  23. 23. Experiences: In this group, we encourage you to share your personal experiences, including conflicts, suffering, and daily difficulties. However, we ask that you avoid trivial or everyday posts that would be more appropriate for platforms like Facebook. For such content, we suggest looking for another group or using your personal Facebook profile.
  24. 24. Hate Speech and Violence: This group adopts a zero-tolerance policy for any form of hate speech, violence, verbal or physical aggression, as well as any manifestation of moral or physical violence. We commit to providing a safe and welcoming space for all members, and any violation of this guideline will result in immediate and permanent removal of the offending individual. Preserving the respect and integrity of each person here is our non-negotiable priority.
  25. 25. No Promoting Other Psychologists’ Services: This WhatsApp group, established by Marcelo Paschoal Pizzut, aims to support people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and promote the psychology services he offers. Members are asked to avoid promoting other psychologists’ services, although contributions related to psychiatric services are welcome due to their complementary relevance. Consultations are offered at values adjusted by a social table, aiming to make access to psychological care more accessible. Additionally, sharing educational resources on BPD and mental health, even from other specialists, is encouraged to collectively enrich our understanding and knowledge in these crucial areas.
  26. 26. Respect the Guidelines: Everyone must commit to these rules for a healthy environment.

If you do not get a response after questioning the group, understand that members may be unavailable. Do not see this as rejection. For those with BPD, learning to manage frustration is a vital step towards emotional balance.


The Role of Psychologist Marcelo in the WhatsApp Support Group for People with BPD Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a condition that can present numerous challenges for those who live with it. With the advent of technologies and social networks, new forms of support and interaction have emerged among people facing similar problems. One such channel is the WhatsApp Group aimed at supporting individuals with BPD, and the role of psychologist Marcelo in this group is fundamental.

  • 1. Main Administrator: As the group’s administrator, Marcelo is responsible for ensuring the space is safe, respectful, and beneficial for all members. He monitors conversations and interactions, ensuring the environment is conducive to sharing experiences and mutual support.
  • 2. Content Moderator: Marcelo carefully selects what can and cannot be posted in the group. This is done to ensure that the content is relevant, safe, and in line with the group’s objectives, avoiding possible triggers or misleading information.
  • 3. Guide: Marcelo’s role is not limited to moderation. He also guides how members can help each other effectively and empathetically, promoting an environment of support and understanding.
  • 4. Non-Instantaneous Mediator: It is important to understand that psychologist Marcelo’s role is not to respond to doubts in real-time or provide immediate therapy in the group. The focus is on members helping each other, sharing their experiences and coping strategies.
  • 5. Mutual Support: The group is not a substitute for individual therapy sessions. Those seeking personalized advice or facing crises should seek appropriate care. The main purpose of the group is to promote peer support, where members help each other through sharing experiences.
  • 6. Private Sessions: If someone feels the need for a private therapy session, they should seek care outside the group. Marcelo provides a direct channel for this through the link: https://www.psicologo-borderline.online/2022/12/contato.html.
The WhatsApp group under the supervision of psychologist Marcelo is a space dedicated to mutual support among people with BPD. By creating a safe and regulated environment, it allows members to benefit from sharing experiences while reinforcing the importance of proper professional follow-up when necessary.

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